
Testimonies by our Son's Family
By our beloved son George
I was very fortunate to be raised in a Christian home and accept Jesus Christ as my personal Savior at an early age. Although my parents were not wealthy, they provided my sister and me with all the necessities of life. They worked day and night (sometimes alternating shifts) so that we would have a comfortable and healthy life. Most importantly, my parents taught us the best they could on how to serve God. I even had the privilege of attending Christian schools all the way through high school and going to church every Sunday. At times, I did not always agree on the way my parents did things. However, now, I can look back and see how much my father and mother loved and cared about us.
I had some challenging times (being on my own, going to engineering school), but the most difficult time for me was when my mother went to be with the Lord when I was a Junior in college. I remember my mother telling me, "One day, you will look for me, but I won't be around, and then you will know what I meant to you." I took those words for granted when I was young, and now I can look back and see exactly what she meant. She sacrificed so much for her family, and she never took time for herself. Although my mom is not here on this earth anymore, her funeral was able to touch many lives in revealing her true Christian testimony.
That same year in 1996, my dad started an email ministry that has blessed thousands of people by sharing the gospel of Christ. My Dad is an inspiration to me spiritually, where he has devoted 100% of his life to do whatever the Lord has called him to do. I have a wonderful stepmom that supported my Dad even through the severe medical problems that he has gone through over the last several years. Not only am I fortunate to have wonderful parents, but I am also blessed to have a wonderful sister.
In 1999, my dad was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. After four years and two surgeries, my dad finally recovered. It was a difficult time for my dad, my sister, and myself. During that time, I was able to see how the Lord used his life in so many positive ways. The Lord showed me how we need to take life more seriously and not take things for granted.
I do not have a life-changing story that brought me to Christ; instead, my testimony is to share the wonderful things that God has done in my life and what he continues to do. Because of the strong Christian background in which I was raised, I am able to look back and thank God that
I did not fall into a sinful lifestyle that would have hindered my Christian testimony. Since I am not perfect in any way, I do need to work every day on getting closer to God. As I get older, I can appreciate more and more what God has done for me.
Sometimes, we look at other people and envy the things they have. However, we should not think that way. An important verse that I take very seriously is Proverbs 30: 7-10: "Two things have I required of thee; deny me them not before I die: Remove far from me vanity and lies: give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me: Lest I be full, and deny thee, and say, Who is the LORD? or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God in vain." God has a purpose and plan for each one of us. When I am in doubt about certain things (or when the devil tries to put me down), I try to think of what God has done in my life. Remember, there are so many people that have it much worse than we do. Our job is to glorify God and spread the Good News to everyone. By doing this, people will accept Christ and live a life that would glorify and honor Him.
Over the years, God has been good to me by allowing me to travel, work, and live throughout the world. Once while living in Japan, I had a neurological problem because of lack of sleep. It was frightening at the time, but my father helped support me and got me back on my feet. During that difficult time, I needed to refresh my walk with Christ by trusting Him. While I was seeking medical attention back in the United States, I met my soon-to-be wife, who has always supported me and has been by my side ever since. We have a wonderful ten-year-old daughter, and she attends a Christian school and loves the Lord.
Sometimes life may not seem fair, but when we all really think about it, God really takes care of his children. He may put challenges and occasionally difficult circumstances in front of us, but He will always guide us through it. For this, we must always be thankful and strive to fulfill God's calling in our lives no matter what it may be.
By our beloved daughter-in-law Tiffanie
I was born and raised in Alaska, in a good home with wonderful parents that loved us and did whatever they could for us. I am the middle child and only girl. My brothers were both very active in sports and kept our family very busy. We were members of the Mormon Church and were active until we moved to California in my freshman year of high school. After we moved, things were different. We started looking at other churches, but it never felt like we were in the right place. Eventually, as a family, we stopped going to church except for attending the typical Christmas and Easter services.
There was a turning point in my life when I was about twenty-six years old. I was going through several personal issues and was really struggling. My older brother was also going through some issues of his own that resulted in him going into a Christian based rehabilitation program called "Teen Challenge." That program opened both my brother's and my eyes. I was able to witness God's work through my brother and watch him change. He had accepted Christ as his personal Savior and was baptized on New Year's Eve. After my brother went through this amazing change, I too accepted Christ, and I tried to live a life that would please God.
Several years later, I met my future husband on a Christian website. I know that God brought us together. At that time, he had accepted an assignment overseas that was going to last for at least three years. We truly had a long-distance relationship! During that time, we learned a lot about each other, including our families, our lives, and our relationship with God. The Lord gave me the patience to see what was best. When he finally returned from overseas, we were married a year and a half later.
We recently moved to another state, and we are looking forward to the opportunities of service that God has for us. We have a beautiful daughter who is 10 years old and attends a Christian School. It brings me so much joy, as a mother, to watch our daughter grow in her faith and knowledge in the Lord. We like to be active with our local church and children's ministries. I was a leader in our AWANA kids program. Being able to work with children is a wonderful experience. I have the pleasure of watching how God helps the children blossom and seeing them get excited to share God's word.
Throughout my life, I have had some ups and downs, but through all these experiences, God has always been there to support me and get me back on track. I continuously need to pray and seek God's guidance. I have so much to be thankful for what God has done and will continue to do in my life. He is truly amazing. "O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever" (I Chronicles 16:34).
By our beloved youngest granddaughter Makenna
I am in 4th grade. I was born into a Christian family. My parents started teaching me about the Bible when I was just a baby. I accepted Christ when I was six years old. Knowing God is with me, I pray throughout the day and ask for Him to help me. I know that when I make mistakes, Jesus forgives me so that I can learn from my mistakes and become a better person.
I currently attend a Christian school. God has given me the opportunity to sing in my Christian school choir, attend AWANA, and learn every day about Christ. Our school motto is "taking every
thought captive to Christ." This means in everything we do, Christ is the center of all. I also love to write, draw, and swim. I pray one day, God will use my talents to serve Him. My favorite verse in the Bible is John 3:16. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
I am so happy that God is so good to me.

“For God so loved the world,
that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him
should not perish,
but have everlasting life.”
John 3:16